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Animal World.
Animal intelligence Sensory cognitive abilities of animals
Scientific studies suggest that animals possess the cognitive, cognitive, and sensory abilities of humans, including memory, intelligence, creativity, and analysis of certain symbols.For example, dogs have the ability to learn words and read them if they are trained. In one year, when the author was able to train him to read 30 words, the experts found that ordinary mice were able to recognize the corruption of stored foods, which helps them to precisely determine when to eat, while the gorilla has the ability to communicate with Humans, for example, suggest that human children are on an equal footing with animals when it comes to simple mathematical calculations: this amazing discovery has highlighted the importance of animal intelligence research. Different groups of animals are characterized by their cognitive abilities as mentioned in research in cognitive behavior. There are animals that can identify themselves in front of the mirror, such as: monkeys, dolphins and crows, and there are animals that can make things of nature, such as: chimpanzees and raven. Parrot can also have a structured conversation, absorbed words from the training of those words, Able to communicate with more than 800 words. As for elephants, they behave in strange behavior when dying, and whales also have a complex language. From animals still science is trying to come closer to the style of thinking and languages
Do animals dream during sleep like humans.
Studies conducted at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology at Cambridge University or Cambridge are a city in the county of Cambridge Shire in the east of England. It has a population of about 130,900. Known for its university, which is one of the oldest and best universities in the world. Research studies that animals may dream during sleep, where experts have used electrodes to measure the activity of the brains of waking mice, and was repeated the same process during sleep, in the similarity between them and humans with regard to rapid eye movement in sleep, and the same applies to dogs. Her movement can be seen during her sleep, as some of her are groaning and making noises during his sleep, indicating a vision of dreams almost like humans.
The sophisticated senses of animals have enormous potential.
Some animals are characterized by physical developments that allow them to use their senses to deal with their environment and adapt in them. For example, the eagle has the ability to see its prey from a distance of 4 to 8 times more than the limited distance seen in humans. On the other hand, the fly has 3,000 lenses in its eyes, enabling it to perceive movement at an average of 200 frames per Second, which helps her to Flying and escaping quickly from any potential danger, dogs are an example of animals with advanced hearing power, because they can hear voices at a distance of 30 kilometers, and many examples can always be consulted.
The main reference Wikipedia.
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